About Us
Mission Statement
Farm in the city is a “new concept” brand. An innovative food, tools & equipment company, offering grow-your-own & make-your-own solutions to Urban Farmers.
Our mission is to empower, facilitate and support our community to produce, process, package & present a wide range of home-made foodstuffs (we like to call this “the 4P approach”), in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner.
We aim to become a globally recognized and loved brand, making the most of the worldwide trend of producing organic food locally, utilizing modern techniques and home-grown ingredients.
Our way to do this is to start small over the internet and scale fast via physical stores. Creating local communities of urban farmers and maintaining a sense of company ownership amongst our team, as well as our sense of humor, will be crucial to our success!
Farm to table
DIY food & drinks
Healthy cooking / meals
Organic food
Local sourcing
Investor Relations
We belong to variety of markets. We feel at home in Home & Garden, we feel creative in Food & Beverage, and we enjoy our presence in Lifestyle, Leisure & Hobby!
Being a UK company, operating from London with a manufacturing base in Greece, we consider ourselves truly Europeans. Garnering know-how and traditional local wisdom, we focus on creating a company to cover a wide range of activities to satisfy the farm-to-table needs of today’s urban generations.
We address the whole world. The flexibility of our product range allows us to address country-specific tastes and traditions. Salmon smoking KITs for the Swedes, kraut fermenting KITs for the Germans and even sake making KITs for the Japanese!
Farm in the City is currently evaluating the possibility of establishing a physical presence in Europe and, soon, the world, through a chain of wholly-owned flagship stores, on top of promoting its products in existing home, garden and DIY stores.
To this respect, we welcome investor enquiries and collaboration proposals. Follow us on AngelList and F6S, to keep up with our latest developments.